Latest deals on Tyres
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Rewards for Reviews
We value your feedback! When you visit any Tyre General branch and leave a Google review on our Google Business pages, you’ll automatically go into the monthly draw to win a $50 Prezzy Card. Your reviews help us improve, and now they can help you win! It’s our way of saying thanks for choosing us for your tyre needs. So, share your experience, and you could be our next lucky winner! Good luck, and thank you for sharing your experience!
View terms & conditions here.

Christchurch Wheel Alignment (Online booking deal)
Online booking Wheel Alignment deal for Tyre General Christchurch, Blenheim Road only.
$59.00 Wheel Alignments
- Not valid at any other Tyre General branch. Valid only for 525 Blenheim Rd, Sockburn, Christchurch.
- Deal only valid when booked online and code CHCHALIGN is placed in booking comments.
- For passenger car, sedans, SUV and 4x4s only. Some vehicles may require additional work, this will be priced outside of the $59 deal, prior to work commencing.
- One offer per customer.
- Excludes tyre rotation and balance.
- Online booking required using code CHCHALIGN.
- Excludes account, Ruralco & Farmlands customers.

Free Battery Health Check
Drive with Confidence: Get a FREE battery check to ensure your vehicle’s powerhouse is in prime condition. Contact your local Tyre General today.
* not available in all Tyre General branches. Contact your store for more details.

Free Tyre Safety Checks
Are those dreaded pot holes taking a toll on your tyres and rims? Heading away on a trip soon? Our expert team is ready to offer you a FREE tyre check to ensure your wheels are in top-notch condition. We’ll inspect for signs of wear and tear, check for any hidden damages for FREE all year round. Call in to your local Tyre General branch today!
Your safety is our priority.